
For parents

  • You should be dressed for the cold (but sunny) weather (ski suit, socks, gloves, goggles or mask, sunscreen). 
  • Equipment is not included in the price and must be picked up at the end of every lesson.
  • We strongly encourage you to wear a helmet

  • Your child will be evaluated on Fridays during their lesson. Medals will be handed out based on the level they have reached and nothing more. Taking these tests is a driving force for progress but that does not mean that your child is forced or required to take them! 
  • Please do not overestimate your child’s level, instructors can instantly tell what level your child is at and will ask that they are moved down accordingly which can have a negative impact on your child. 
  • REMEMBER - skiing should always be fun!

  • You can watch your child as long as you are discrete; children act differently when their parents are around. 
  • If you ski with your child after their ski lessons (which we always recommend) please ski on slopes they are comfortable skiing down.