Monitrice et son élève sur un télésiège lors d'une sortie handiski

adaptive skiing

Ski while sitting down

We want to make sure everyone is able to enjoy skiing! 

ESF Isola 2000 offers adaptive skiing outings for those who have reduced mobility. You are guaranteed to have an amazing time and feel safe and secure in our state-of-the-art equipment. Our certified instructors supervise the adaptive skiing outings for both adults and children. We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy the thrills of skiing, no matter what! 

You will go out and explore the resort or join the rest of your group for their activities at Isola 2000. Take advantage of this unforgettable experience! 
Adaptive skiing Half day
Morning or afternoon
Starting at 
  • Ski while sitting down, for everyone 
  • 2 time slots: 9am - 1pm or 1pm - 5pm
Prices don't include pass, lunch or insurance.
Contact us
Adaptive skiing 2h00
Morning or afternoon
starting at
  • Ski while sitting down, for everyone 
Prices don't include pass, lunch or insurance.
Contact us
Adaptive skiing Half day
Morning or afternoon
Starting at 
  • Ski while sitting down, for everyone 
  • 2 time slots: 9am - 1pm or 1pm - 5pm
Prices don't include pass, lunch or insurance.
Contact us
Adaptive skiing Half day
Morning or afternoon
Starting at 
  • Ski while sitting down, for everyone 
  • 2 time slots: 9am - 1pm or 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Prices don't include pass, lunch or insurance.
Contact us
Adaptive skiing All day
9am - 5pm
Starting at 
  • Ski while sitting down, for everyone 
Prices don't include pass, lunch or insurance.
Contact us
Adaptive skiing All day
9am - 5pm
Starting at 
  • Ski while sitting down, for everyone 
Prices don't include pass, lunch or insurance.
Contact us